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Description Of Project

BOO! VR is a Demo for a PVP Hide and Seek VR Game. In this game you can be on one of two teams: Team Ghosts or Team Ghost Hunter. As a ghost, your job is to get the Ghost Hunter out of your home by scaring them away. But watch out, if the Ghost Hunter spots you first you may get sucked up by their ghost gun and be eliminated from the game! Hide behind furniture and throw objects to distract the Ghost Hunter until you get close enough to scare them! As a Ghost Hunter, you have to remove all three ghosts from this haunted apartment using your ghost gun. Be careful, if the ghosts get too close to scare you, you’ll be out of the game! This demo showcases the functions and mechanics of being a ghost and ghost hunter respectively.

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Visual Documentation of Project 

The Ghost Hunter Path

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Point, Shoot, Survive 

Another day, another ghost to capture! You get a call about a haunted apartment and strap on your ghost gloves and ghost gun to answer the call! Capture all Ghosts in the apartment before they get too close to you! 

Main Menu

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Hunter's POV

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As a Ghost Hunter, you are equipped with a Ghost Gun and Ghost NAV. Use each of these tools to round up all ghosts! 

Mission: Hunting 

Capture ALL Ghosts

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Visual Documentation of Project (cont.) 

The Ghostly path

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Throw, Teleport, Hide!

An unwanted guest has entered your haunted home, time to scare them out! Be careful! This human is a Ghost Hunter and will zap you into their Ghost Pack if they catch you. Sneak around the room and throw objects to distract the Hunter to get close enough to scare their socks off!

Main Menu: Choose Ghosts

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As a Ghost, you are able to teleport from one spot of the room to another to get close to the hunter. But be wary... you have a limited amount of times you are able to make a move. Make sure you are teleporting when necessary and use objects scattered across the room to distract the Ghost Hunter! 

Scare away uninvited guests 

BOO! Ghosts Win...

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Commercial: BOO! VR 

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User Testing Results Summary

Teleportation Testing


Respondents really liked how clear and easy it was to teleport from one location to the other. The green light indicator along with the reticle over the tele-pads made it clear to users how to move from one spot to another.

Grab & Throw Testing 


Participants really liked how easy it was to pick up an object (especially when these objects were far away). Throwing felt very natural to the participants and they were able to figure out how to throw very quickly and easily.

Firing Ghost Gun Testing


This was the mechanic that participants liked the most about BOO! VR. All participants gave this mechanic a 9+ out of 10! In the first test run, a draw back regarding the laser pointer distracted users from shooting accurately. This was refined and adjusted, resulting in positive reviews from all participants! 

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